
Last Minute Messages

Posted in General by muzeuterpe on November 3, 2008

Well, tomorrow’s the day. I’ve already voted, so there’s nothing that can be said now that will change my selections. [Barring voter fraud or tampering.]

While the media wants to make hay over the Republican’s sudden use of Obama’s words on coal:

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can,” he said. “It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

They failed to look at the full Obama picture. Obama has been jumping all over the board on hot topics for years.  I’ve touched on them a little here, but his followers don’t care.  If I point out that he writes in his book “Dreams of My Father” that he attended communist party meetings, selected his radical friends carefully, and used illegal drugs [including cocaine], I am called a racist.

Anyone who points out his hypocrasy in the book “Audacity of Hope” where on one page he says black children and white children have the same opportunities for education, but two pages over [paperback version] he notes black children are cheated, is a racist.

Anyone who believes we all have a chance at the “American Dream” and most of the difficulties are a result of poor decision making are called uncaring. And, gods forbid we as a REAL question of Obama and he choke the answer [ala “Joe the Plumber”].  Because you will be investigated, threatened, called names, and harassed, not the man who wants to ‘spread the wealth.’

Anyone on the “left” denoucing this … nope.  In fact here are some of the headlines from “The Huffington Post:”

No Currency Left to Buy the Big Lies

Voting for Truth

The Most Accurate Election Forecast? Hardcore Gamblers

Polling Firm: GOP Senator Dole’s “Godless” Ad Is “Blowing Up In Her Face”

Anchor, McCain Flack Battle… Biden Pokes Fun At Protesters… Dean In Arizona

ACORN’s Plan To Turn Registrations Into Votes– We want to assure you that partisan attacks will NOT interfere with ACORN members’ determination to involve low-income, minority, and new American voters across the country. On the contrary, our members are more determined than ever to make our voices heard this year and in all election years to come.

The Four Great Transformations Driving Obama’s Victory – But in the medium-term, it seems Obama will be a conventional Democratic multilateralist leaving in place many of the ugly aspects of US foreign policy – from the crowbar-policies of the International Monetary Fund to unwavering support for the thuggish governments of Egypt, Colombia and Israel. The democratic antibodies of opposition aren’t strong enough to overturn the Big Money or hard geopolitics that demand these policies. So there will still be plenty to oppose in Obama’s foreign policy – but when a giant shuffles just a few steps to the left, the ants below feel a great pressure lifting from them.

But then the fear comes: what if the American people are too addled by the race-fear, and turn to McCain at the last moment? At the Democratic convention, Obama said to his fellow Americans: “We are better people than the last eight years.” The ghosts of the drowned children of New Orleans and the burned children of Baghdad may have stared down sceptically – but I believe he was right. The tidal force of these four transformations is too great. And yet, and yet… I won’t be sure until I watch Obama’s acceptance speech through salty tears – and I hear the Statue of Liberty let out a slow sigh of relief.

Such tolerance.  Such compassion.  Such bullsh*t.

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  1. Mountain Laurel said, on November 3, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    You said, “I’ve already voted, so there’s nothing that can be said now that will change my selections. [Barring voter fraud or tampering.]”

    Muze, I feel the same way. And it’s sad.

    Please keep us up to date on your health. You’re still in my prayers as I’m one of the three. 🙂

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